How to Customize Your Dashboard

The Key Steps

Selecting Which Blocks Are Visible on Your Dashboard:

  1. Click the Cog Icon labeled Customize on the right-hand side of your dashboard.
  2. A menu will appear where you can select by clicking the checkboxes of which widgets will be visible on your dashboard under the three categories: Stats, Lists, and Graphs.
    1. As a reminder, adding a new widget will have it display at the bottom of the dashboard. 
  3. Click the Cog Icon again to close the widget menu once you've selected your desired list of widgets
  4. If you'd like to reset your dashboard to the default format, click the green Reset To Default button

Customize the Location and Size of the Widgets You've Selected to be Visible:

  1. Click the Padlock Icon to the right of the cog icon to unlock your dashboard. 
  2. After clicking the Padlock Icon, you'll be able to drag and drop widgets by clicking anywhere inside of the widget and moving them to the desired location on the dashboard. 
  3. To change the size of the widget, hover over the desired widget and click and drag the double-arrowed line in the bottom right corner of the widget to edit the size. 
  4. After moving and resizing all desired widgets, click the Open Padlock Icon to lock your dashboard back so there won't be any accidental drag-and-drops. 

Here is a video walking through these steps: