How to Create a Link Tree

The Key Steps

  1. Click Website on your left-hand navigation menu on your backend dashboard. 
  2. Click the Tools dropdown on the left-hand navigation menu of the Website Dashboard. 
  3. Click Link Tree in the dropdown menu to be directed to the Link Tree Editor.
    1. In the Links tab, you'll add all of the links you'd like people visiting your link tree to have access to
    2. You can add more links by clicking the green Add Link button or remove a link by hovering over the link and clicking the "-" button to the right. 
    3. In the Settings tab, you can choose a custom logo along with customizing the style of the link tree by background type. 
  4. Once built out you'll click the green Update Button to save your changes. 
  5. The link at the top can be copied and pasted anywhere you'd like people to have access to your link tree. We usually recommend this being in a social media profiles biography or details section.

Here is the link tree you'll see built out in the video below -

Here is a video walking through these steps: