How to Create a Workflow

The Key Steps

  1. Click the Communication dropdown in your left-hand navigation menu on your backend dashboard.
  2. Click Workflows to be directed to your Workflow editor.
  3. Click the green New Workflow in the top-right of the Workflow section to begin creating a new workflow.
  4. A pop-up menu will appear where you can give this workflow a Name and set the Trigger Type for the workflow. 
    1. The trigger is what will add a contact to the workflow and make it start sending messages out to a contact. 
  5. After naming the workflow and setting the trigger, click the green Create Workflow button.
  6. You'll see this new workflow in draft. Click the Name of the workflow
    1. In this menu, you'll see whoever will be active in the workflow and who has gone through the workflow. 
  7. Click the Actions dropdown in the top-right of this menu and click Edit Workflow.
  8. Under Settings, click the Configure button in the Trigger section to set what kind of trigger will add contacts to the workflow. (see the example in the video below)
  9. Under that, click the Configure button in the Goals section to set what event would remove a contact from your workflow.
  10. Now you can begin building your workflow by using the blue "+" buttons to add time delays, emails, or sms messages
  11. To edit the time delays, emails, or sms messages, click on them in the workflow and a drop-down will appear where you can edit the time or message. 
  12. Once you've finished, click the Publish toggle to green to turn on your workflow once saved. 
  13. Click the green Save button to save your new workflow.

Here is a video walking through these steps: