How to Add Users to Your Student Portal

The Key Steps

  1. Click Website on your left-hand navigation menu to be directed to your website dashboard. 
  2. First be sure to change your Student Portal from using a Master Password to Individual Users (Article Here)
  3. Click the Student Portal dropdown and click the Accounts section.
  4. Click the green Add Student button to add a new account to the Student Portal
  5. Here, you can input the student's email and requested password and choose their type.
  6. For Trial students, you'll need to input how many days their trial will be for. This will also be how long they have access. 
  7. For Paid students, you can select the categories you'd like for them to see and the ones that you would like hidden. 
  8. Once you're finished click the Create Now! button. 

Here is a video walking through these steps: