How to Add Content to Your Student Portal

The Key Steps

  1. Click Website on your left-hand navigation menu to be directed to the website backend dashboard.
  2. Click the Student Portal dropdown to select the content you'd like to add:
      1. Once you've clicked Virtual Classes in the Student Portal sub-menu, click the green Add New Item Button
      2. Here you'll be able to add the class information including, the Class Info, Connection Settings, and Warmup Settings
      3. The Class Info tab will be for settings like the title of the class, images, notes for the class, schedule, etc.
      4. The Connection Settings tab will be for adding the way to attend the class: zoom links, passwords, meeting IDs, etc.
      5. The Warmup Settings tab will be for setting up videos, quick tips, and instructions on what to do before the class begins.
      6. Once you've added all the necessary information, click the green Publish button to the right
      1. Once you've clicked on Curriculum in the Student Portal sub-menu, you can add new content here by clicking the green Add New Curriculum button. 
      2. The Content tab will be for any descriptive text or notes about the curriculum items you're adding. 
      3. The Videos tab will be for adding videos of walkthroughs, steps, or visual instructions on the curriculum item you're adding. 
      4. The Downloads tab will be where you can add any downloadable links that go with the curriculum item: PDFs, images, etc. 
      5. Once you have these tabs filled out, it's important to select a Category under which this curriculum item will be hosted since the Categories are what will display when clicking into the Curriculum section on the Student Portal. 
      6. Once you've added all the necessary information, click the green Publish button to the right
      1. Once you've clicked on News in the Student Portal sub-menu, you can add new content here by clicking the green Add New Item button. 
      2. Here you can add all the necessary information about the news item: title, featured image, images, and text content about the news item, etc.
      3. Once you've finished adding the necessary information, like Curriculum, it's important to select a Category for this news item so it can be displayed in the News section of your Student Portal
      4. Once you've finished, click the green Publish button. Your news will also be displayed on the dashboard of your Student Portal by most recently added. 
      1. Once you've clicked on Documents in the Student Portal sub-menu, you can add new content here by clicking the green Add New Document button
      2. Here, you'll be able to add all the necessary documents and information in the Content and File sections. To attach a document from the File section, this pulls from your Media Library, so you'll need to have the PDF already saved, or you can add it by dragging and dropping it after clicking the Add File button.
      3. Once you've finished adding the necessary information, like Curriculum, it's important to select a Category for this document so it can be displayed in the Documents section of your Student Portal.
      4. Once you've finished, click the green Publish button 
      1. Once you've clicked on Events in the Student Portal sub-menu, you can add new content here by clicking the green Add New Item button.
      2. The Day & Time is where you can add the start and end time/date for the event you'd like to add.
      3. The Content tab will be for adding all the necessary information about the upcoming event: featured image, text content, or adding a button and the location that button will take someone. 
      4. Once you've finished, click the green Publish button 
    6. HOW TO ADD A WOD (Workout Of the Day)
      1. Here you'll choose to enable this feature on your Student Portal navigation. 
      2. Click the green Add Workout to input the date and information of the Workout you want your members to do. 

Here is a video walking through these steps: