How To Add Staff

The Key Steps

  1. Click Website in your left-hand navigation menu to be directed to the website section of your backend dashboard. 
  2. Click Content in the Website left-hand navigation menu.
  3. Click Staff in the dropdown menu. 
  4. Click the green Add New Staff button in the top-right of the screen.
  5. Here you'll be able to add all the staff members information:
    1. Title for organization
    2. Staff Name and Title
    3. Headshot of the staff member
    4. Certifications & Biography

Adding Staff to a Page

  1. After adding your staff, click Pages in the Content dropdown menu
  2. Click the page you'd like to add your staff on, most likely an About Us page. 
  3. If you have not added a block to display your staff members, click the green + button in the top left of the editor. 
  4. Add a "Staff" block that matches your formatting. 
  5. Click into the block editor and add the staff members you'd like displayed. 

Here is a video walking through these steps: