Using the AI Writing Tool

The Key Steps

  1. From anywhere on your backend dashboard, click the green circle labeled AI
  2. In the search bar, search for the template you'd like to use for the AI Writing Tool. You can also scroll to see all of the available templates. (For this example we'll use the Blog Title template)
  3. Once you've chosen your tempalte, make sure every field is filled out with the requested information to create the best content. 
  4. Click the Generate Content when the information is filled in and copy and paste the content wherever you'd like on the website.
Here is a Video Walking Through These Steps:

👇 For more detailed steps, refer to the article below:

Using the AI Writing Tool

1. From anywhere on your backend dashboard, click the green circle labeled AI

2. In the search bar, search for the template you'd like to use for the AI Writing Tool. You can also scroll to see all of the available templates. (For this example we'll use the Blog Title template)

3. Once you've chosen your tempalte, make sure every field is filled out with the requested information to create the best content and click the Generate Content 

4. When the information is filled in, copy and paste the content wherever you'd like on the website.