Creating Email and SMS Sequences

The Key Steps

  1. Click on CRM from the action bar
  2. Select Email and SMS Flows
  3. Click on the Add A New Sequence button.
  4. Create a name for the new sequence. 
  5. Select the Program, Location, Statuses, and Types. This will decide what kind of leads will receive the messages. Then select the Create button.
  6. Once you have created a new sequence, click into the sequence in order to begin creating messages.
  7. If you want to create a new message, click the green Add New button

Here is a Video Walking Through These Steps:

    👇 For more detailed steps, refer to the article below:

Editing Sequences

With your Market Muscles site, sequences are provided for each of the programs you offer. A sequence is a list of messages, both SMS and emails, that are sent out to leads when they opt-in to your marketing. 

This help article will cover how you can create a new sequence and how to edit message content in your sequences.

To access your sequences, click on the CRM icon and then select Email & SMS Flows. 

Now click on Create a New Sequence.

From here you will create a name for the new sequence and choose the program, location, status and type for your sequence, as well. 

Now click create and from this page, click on the name of the sequence you just created.

After clicking on the sequence, you will be able to see add any message you would like and select a wait time as well. 


If you want to rearrange the order of the messages, drag and drop them into the order you would like. 

To edit a message already in your sequence, click on the Edit button next to the message you want to edit.

Once you have the message open to edit, you can change the wait time by adding or subtracting from the time field. You can change how the wait is measured to minutes, hours, or days. You also can go into the content field and change what the message says. 

If you make any changes, click on the Update button.

You also have the ability to add more messages to your sequence. 

To add either a new text or SMS, click on the green Add New button.

In the Message Name field, give your message a name. The name will not show anywhere in the message itself, it's just for your reference. Next, you will specify how long after the previous message you want to wait before sending this new message. You will also need to select whether this new message will be an email or an SMS.

In the content box at the bottom of the screen, type out what you want your message to say. You can use merge tags in the content of your message to make it more personalized to the contact. 

Once you are done making your changes, click on the blue Create button. 

When adding a new message, it will appear at the bottom of your messages list. To move the message, click on it and drag and drop it to where you want it to fall in the sequence.