Adding a Custom Form to a Convert Page

Once a custom form has been built it needs to be integrated on to a page in order for users to submit their entries. A convert page is usually the best place for this.  

The Key Steps

  1. Select Tools from the action bar (the megaphone icon)
  2. Click on Forms in the sub-menu
  3. Copy the Short Code of the Form that you wish to embed. 
  4. Go back to Marketing Tools.
  5. Click on Convert Pages in the sub-menu.
  6. Choose an existing Convert Page or create a new Convert Page. 
  7. Click the Green + button in the top left hand corner.
  8. Choose a Content Block. We recommend using Content Centered.
  9. Click the Gear Wheel in the top righthand corner.
  10. Click the Text Tab under content.
  11. Paste the Shortcode.
  12. Once you have made all desired changes to the page you can Publish and share for users to submit their entries. 

Embedding a Custom Form to a Page

  1. Select Marketing Tools from the Navigation Panel and click Forms

2. Choose the Form that you wish to embed and copy the Shortcode for that form

3. Go back to a page builder (custom forms usually go on Convert Pages in Tools)

4. Click on the Convert Pages you'd like to add your custom Form to.

5. Click the  Green + button in the top left hand corner. Choose a Content Block. We recommend using Content Centered.

12. Click the Settings Icon in the top righthand corner.

13. Click the Text Tab in content.

14. Paste the Shortcode in the text tab.

15. Once you have made all desired changes to the page you can Publish and share for users to submit their entries.