How to Update Your Schedule

Key Steps:

  1. Click on the Money icon
  2. Select Checkout Pages
  3. Find the Program you need to change the schedule for
  4. Click on the Edit button
  5. Click on the Details tab 
  6. Scroll down to the Schedule section and click the Add Schedule
  7. Make any changes to the schedule times
    1. REMINDER: For days you do not have classes, please make sure a dash (-) or CLOSED is inserted in the text block
  8. Click on the Update button
  9. Here is a Video Walking Through These Steps:

    👇 For more detailed steps, read on with screenshots

How to Update Your Schedule

1. Click on the Money icon and select Checkout Pages in the Checkout sub-menu.

2. On the checkout page that is hosting the schedule you'd like to update, click the Title or the Edit button.

3. In the editor section, click on the Details tab.

4. Scroll down to the Schedule section and make any updates to class times as needed.

5. Once you've made the desired updates, click the green Update Button in the top right and those changes should be made!