How To Create a QR Code

The Key Steps

  1.  Select Tools Icon from the left side Navigation Menu
  2. Click on QR Codes located under the sub-menu Social.
  3. Click the green Create New button.
  4. Give your QR code a Title.
  5. Specify the Website URL that you want the QR code to send people to.
  6. Choose the File Format for the QR code.
  7. Enter the hex codes for Foreground Color and Background Color of the code if you want them to be different than black and white.
  8. Select which QR Code Logo you'd like the QR Code to display as.
  9. Click the green Create button.
  10. Back on the main QR Code page, click on the download icon (the cloud with the arrow) for your QR Code to download it and begin using it.

Here is a Video Going Through These Steps:

👇 For more detailed steps, refer to the article below:

Creating a QR Code

1. Select  Tools Icon from the left side Navigation Menu and click on QR Codes under the sub-menu Social.

2. Click the green  Create New button.

3. In the Details section, give your QR code a  Title and Specify the Website URL that you want the QR code to send people to.

4.  In the Design section, choose the  File Format for the QR code enter the hex codes for Foreground Color and Background Color of the code if you want them to be different than black and white.

5. Click the green  Create button when QR code is complete.

6. Once you're back on the QR Code list, you can use the Cloud Icon to download the QR and the trash Icon to delete the QR if needed.