Changing the SMS Notification Number & Email

The Key Steps

  1. Click the Settings icon from the left side menu
  2. Select Communication
  3. Scroll down and find the box labeled SMS Notify Phone & SMS Notify Email
  4. Enter your desired cell phone number and email into the box (use the format +11234567890)
  5. Scroll down and hit the Save button at the bottom

Here is a Video Walking Through These Steps:

👇 For more detailed steps, refer to the article below:

Changing the SMS Notification Phone Number

Every time you receive a response to your Market Muscles automations, the phone number you used to signup is notified. 

To change the phone number that these notifications are sent to, click on the  Settings icon and then select Communication.

On the Communication Settings page, scroll down to the  SMS Notify Phone field. This is where you will enter the new phone number you want to receive the notifications. 

If you want multiple phone numbers to receive SMS notifications, you can enter more than one phone number in this field by separating them with commas.

After changing the notification phone number, make sure to click on the  Save button at the bottom of the page to save your changes