How to Create Merge Tags

The Key Steps

  1. Click the CRM icon on the action bar on the left
  2. Select Merge Tags in the sub-menu of Communication
  3.  Click Add A New Merge Tag on the right-hand side
  4. Enter your desired tag into the name field (must be in this format: %EXAMPLE% - no spaces, all uppercase, surrounded by % signs)
  5. Enter your desired tag value in the second box (this is what leads will see when you send a message utilizing the merge tag)
  6. Click the Create button to complete

When sending SMS messages or emails in the future, merge tags will automatically be changed from the tag, to the value.

Here is a Video Going Through These Steps:

👇 For more detailed steps, refer to the article below:

Creating Merge Tags

Custom merge tags are tags that will be replaced with a specific value every time they are used in emails or SMS. You can create custom merge tags to automatically pull in values you regularly use, like your personal email or your facility's slogan.

To access your merge tags, click on the CRM icon and then select Merge Tags.

Here you can see all of your current merge tags. 

To create a new merge tag, click on the  Add a New Merge Tag button.

The Name field is where you will create the tag. The tag is what you will use in messages and it will later be replaced by the value. 

When creating the tag name, make sure to put 1 percentage symbol before and after the name and don't use any spaces or special characters, i.e. %PERSONALEMAIL%.

The Value field is where you will type what value the tag will be replaced with. If this tag was used in an agreement, %PERSONALEMAIL% would be replaced with when a contact is actually sent a message including this tag.

Once your merge tag is ready to go, click on the blue Create button.