How to Utilize the Market Muscles App

The Key Steps

  1. Download the app for either Apple or Android
    1. Apple:
    2. Android:
  2. Click on the Settings icon from the left side menu and then select Mobile App
  3. Enter the Site ID and Site Token into the login screen of your mobile app or scan your personalized QR Code
  4. Ensure the box next to Remember Me is checked then click Login 

Here is a Video Walking Through These Steps:

👇 For more detailed steps, refer to the article below:

How to Utilize the Market Muscles App

*Once you've downloaded the Market Muscles App, either from the Apple Store or Google Play Store:

1. Log-in to your backend dashboard and click on the Settings Icon to open the dropdown. Here you'll click on Mobile App.

2. Here you'll find the Site ID and Site Token needed to log-in to the app. You can also scan your personalized QR code as well.

*Note: If you are receiving an error message while logging in, please double-check the information you are typing in. Sometimes zero's and O's look alike. Also, lower case L's and capital I's look alike as well.