How to Add Staff Bios

Key Steps

Adding a Staff Member to the System

  1. Click into Content from the left-hand Navigation Panel
  2. Select Content then Staff
  3. Click the green Add New button
  4. Give the staff module a title (typically the staff member's name)
  5. Enter the staff member's name in the Name field
  6. Enter the staff member's title in the Title field
  7. Upload their headshot
  8. Enter any certifications in the Certifications text box
  9. Enter their biography in the Biography text box
  10. Hit the Publish button

Note: These staff modules don't show up until you add them to a staff block on one of your website pages, so make sure to hit the Publish button so the module is ready to use!

Adding a Staff Member to a Website Page

  1. Add your staff members to the system following the steps above
  2. Click into Content from your action bar
  3. Select either Pages or Programs then click Edit for the page you want to add your staff member to 
  4. Click green Plus Button to add one of our Staff Block Options
  5. Click on the Content tab of your staff block
  6. Select the staff member in the left column, which will move it to the right column
  7. Hit the green Update button

Here is a Video Walking Through These Steps:

👇 For more detailed steps, refer to the article below:

Adding a Staff Member to the System

On any of the pages of your site, you can have a staff block that highlights your current staff. Within the Staff block, you will see each staff member's headshot with their name and title underneath. When a user clicks on a staff member, they will be taken to a page that has that staff member's headshot, as well as their certifications and biography.

To add new staff members to display in your staff block, you will first need to add the new staff member to the system. 

First, click on the Website icon and then select Staff under the Content section.

On this page, you can see a list of all the staff members you currently have in the system. To add a new staff member, click on the Add New button.

When adding a new staff member, you can set the Title of the post as their name. You will also need to enter their name in the Name field and their position in the second Title field. 

You will also want to add their headshot by clicking on the Add Image button and uploading a photo. 

In the Certifications field, you have the option to list any of the staff member's certifications. At the bottom of the page in the Biography field, you can write out a brief description of the staff member. 

To save this staff member's profile, click on the Publish button. This will save their profile for you to add to your staff block.

Adding a Staff Member to a Website Page

Now that you have created a new module for your staff member, you can add their module to your website. 

To add your staff member to a staff block, you will first need to navigate to the page on your website you want to add them to. 

Click on the Website icon and then select Pages or Programs depending on whether you want to add them to a program page or one of your other pages.

From either the Program or Pages screen, locate the page you want to add the staff member on. Click on the Edit button for that page. 

Once you have the page open in the edit view, scroll down to your staff block and click anywhere on the block. By clicking into the block, you'll be able to edit the block on the right-hand side of the screen. (If the editor doesn't open, click on the gear wheel icon in the top right corner of the page.)

In the Staff box, the left side lists all of your staff modules. To add a staff member to your staff display, click on their name from the left side list and they will now appear on the right side of the box as well. Staff members listed on the right side of the staff box will show up on your page. 

Once you have added all of the staff members you want to include on this page, click on the green Update button. 

If you have the staff block on multiple pages, you will need to make sure you repeat this editing process for every page you want your new staff member to be added to.