How to Unsubscribe a Contact From Sequences

The Key Steps

  1. Click on the CRM icon from the left-hand menu and click All Contacts from the Contact Sub-Menu
  2. Select the contact you'd like to unsubscribe by clicking on their name
  3. Click the Edit button in the top right 
  4. Click Unsubscribed under the contact's name
  5. Click Save Contact to complete

Here is a Video Walking Through These Steps:

Note: If you want to remove the contact from automated sequences, but still want them to receive BULK MESSAGES, change the contact's status instead of unsubscribing.

👇 For more detailed steps, refer to the article below:

How to Unsubscribe a Contact From Sequences

If you want a contact to stop receiving the automated messaging sequences, you can manually unsubscribe them from communication in their Contact profile. 

To navigate to a contact's profile, click on the Contacts icon and then find the user you need to edit by using the search field. 

Once you find the contact, click on their name to open their contact profile.

From the contact's profile, click on the Edit button in the top right corner.

To unsubscribe someone from all communication through Market Muscles, including your bulk messages, click on the Unsubscribed button. 

If you want to unsubscribe the contact from your sequences, but you still want the contact to receive bulk messages, leave them subscribed and change the Status field to any option other than New. This will remove them from the New contact sequences.

If you make any changes on this page, make sure to click on the blue Save Contact button at the bottom of the page.