How to Send a Bulk Message

The Key Steps

  1. Click CRM on the action bar on the left
  2. Select Bulk Messages from the sub-menu under Communication
  3. Click the Send Message button
  4. Select which leads will receive your message by setting the programs, statuses, and contact types dropdown menus
  5. Select the type of message, either Email or SMS message
  6. Enter your desired message
  7. Click the Send button (note: your message will be sent immediately)

Here is a Video Walking Through These Steps:

👇 For more detailed steps, refer to the article below:

How to Send a Bulk Message

Bulk messages allow you to send mass emails or texts out to your contacts. These are great for sending out holiday messages to your students or special offers to your leads. 

To access your bulk messages, click on the CRM icon and then select Bulk Messages under Communications

On this page, you will see a list of all the bulk messages you have previously sent. 

To create a new bulk message, click on the Send Message button.

When you are sending a bulk message, you first need to specify which contacts you want to send the message to. 

You can first select to only send to contacts in one of your programs. You can also select to only send the message to contacts with a specific status. The last filter you can add is to only send the message to contacts with a specific type.

Once you've set your filters, you will be able to see how many contacts match your filters and will receive the message on the right side of the screen.

When building out your message content, you first need to select whether you are sending an Email or SMS

The Message box is where you will enter your message content.

As you write your message body, you have the ability to use available tokens (aka your merge tags) to make your messages more personalized. 

To use these tokens, copy and paste the token value (the words surrounded by percentage signs on the left) into your message. When you actually send the message, the token will be replaced by the value on the right.

When you are ready to send out your message, click on the Send button.