How to Create a Status

The Key Steps

  1. Select CRM icon from the action bar and click All Contacts in the Contacts sub-menu
  2. Click on Status
  3. Click the blue Add a New Status button
  4. Type your status Name in the text box
  5. Click the blue Create Status button

Note: Once you've created more than 3 lead statuses, you can drag and drop the order of your statuses

Here is a Video Walking Through These Steps:

👇 For more detailed steps, refer to the article below:

How to Create a Status

Statuses are a great way to organize your leads as they move through the customer journey. 

When you first enter your dashboard, the only default status you will have is 'New' and this will automatically be assigned to contacts when they opt-in to your marketing. 

You can create additional statuses to track things like when a contact signs up for a trial or takes their first class.

To access your Status page, click on the CRM icon and then click on Status.

From this page, you can see all the statuses you've created. To create a new status, click on the Add A New Status button.

To finish creating your new status, you'll give it a Name and click on the Create Status button. 

Once you have created a status, you will be able to assign contact's the status from their contact profile.