How to Change Content on Page Editor

The Key Steps 

  1. Select the Content Icon from the Navigation bar on the left
  2. Click on Programs from the sub-menu 
  3. Click Edit on the program you'd like to make a change to
  4. Click on the block you want to make the change in
  5. To change the text on the block, click on the Content tab in the editor
  6. To swap out a photo, click on the Media tab in the editor
  7. To update the block background, color, mobile/desktop view, click on the Style tab in the editor
  8. Click the green Update button

Here is a Video Walking Through These Steps:

👇 For more detailed steps, refer to the article below:

How to Change Content on Program Pages

1. Once logged-in, click on the Website icon from the action bar, then click on Programs from the sub-menu.

2. Once you are in the Programs section, select the program you'd like to edit by either clicking the Title of the program, or the Edit Icon.

3. Once you are on the editing screen for the selected program, you will click the Settings Icon and select the block you'd like to edit and to begin editing.

You can edit the content of the block (text, format, text color, etc.) from the Content tab. Making edits to photos would be under the Media tab. Finally, you can update color, background, and visibility in the Style tab.

4. To save the necessary updates/edits, click the green Update button on the top right of the screen.