Creating a Custom Pop-Up

The Key Steps

  1. Select Tools from the Navigation Bar
  2. Click on Pop-Ups
  3. Click the green Add New button
  4. Give the Pop Up a title
  5. In the Type tab, choose whether you want a full screensmall card, or center opt-in Pop-Up
  6. Click into the Template tab and choose from your template options
  7. Click into the Content tab
    1. In the text tab of Content, give the Pop Up a subtitle, title, and description 
    2. In the media tab of Content, select an image for the background of the Pop Up (if not using the template image)
  8. Click into the Settings tab
    1. Choose if you want the Pop Up to display on All Pages or Specific Pages
      1. If you select Specific Pages, click on the pages you'd like the Pop Up to display on
    2. Choose if you want the Pop Up to pop when the page loads or when people start to scroll
    3. Choose if you want the Pop Up to stay closed or keep opening when people navigate back to the pages it displays on
  9. Toggle the Enable Pop Up toggle at the top of the edit box to Yes
  10. Click the green Publish button

Here is a Video Walking Through These Steps:

👇 For more detailed steps, refer to the article below:

Creating a Custom Pop Up

Adding custom pop-ups makes your announcement the first thing people see when they access your site. 

To create a custom pop-up, click on the Tools icon and then select Pop-Ups.

On the Pop-ups page, you'll be able to see any pop-ups you've built out. 

To create a new pop-up, click on the green Add New button.

To start building your pop-up, you will first want to give your pop-up a name at the top of the page. 

You will also want to toggle the Enable Popup option to Yes.

In the Type tab, you will select whether you want your pop-up to be a full screen popup centered on the screen, a small card popup in the bottom corner, or a centered popup with an opt-in box. 

Click on the box for the type you want.

Next, click on the Template tab. 

From here you can choose to use one of the existing templates for the formatting of your popup. 

Click on the template you want to use or select the empty square if you want to create your own.

The Content tab is where you'll write what you want your pop-up to say. The Sub Title will be the smaller text above the Title, which will be larger towards the middle of the popup. The description will be the smaller text below your titles and you can use the text editor to format your description how you want.

The Settings tab is where you can select what pages you want your popup to display on. 

You can choose to have it appear only on your home page or you can select specific pages with the Display Option field. If you choose specific pages, you'll see a 2 column box drop down. The left column will list every page that is available on your website. If you click on the page name, it'll pop over to the right column. Any page on the right column will display your popup.

In the Trigger field, you can choose whether you want the pop-up to appear when a page loads or when someone scrolls on the page. 

The last option is to select whether you want the pop-up to Stay Closed after the user closes it once.

Once your pop-up is ready to go live on your website, click on the green Publish button.