Adding a Trial Account to Your Student Portal

The Key Steps

  1. Click on the Student Portal icon
  2. Click on Accounts under the Active Vault section
  3. Click on the Add Student button
  4. Enter the contact's email in the Account Email field
  5. Enter a password for the user in the Account Password field
  6. In the Account Type field, select Trial
  7. In the Number of Trial Days field, enter how long the trial is
  8. Click on the Create Now! button

Here is a Video Walking Through These Steps:

👇 For more detailed steps, refer to the article below:

Adding a Trial Account

If you want your trial members to have access to your student portal during their trial, you can create a trial account for them. This will give them the ability to access your virtual classes, however, they will not be able to see any of your other content. 

To create a new trial account, click on the ActiveVault icon and then select Accounts under the ActiveVault section.

On the Accounts page, you can see any accounts you have created. 

To create a new account, click on the Add Student button.

Enter the contact's email in the Account Email field, password for the user in the Account Password field , and select account type in the dropdown.

- If a trial, select the duration in the the Number of Trial Days field. Finally, click on the Create Now! button